Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) REGISTRATION

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) REGISTRATION

“Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has become a preferred form of organization among entrepreneurs as it incorporates the benefits of both partnership firm and company into a single form of organisation.”

The concept of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) was introduced in India in 2008. An LLP has the characteristics of both the partnership firm and company. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 regulates the LLP in India. Minimum two partners are required to incorporate an LLP. However, there is no upper limit on the maximum number of partners of an LLP.

Advantages Of Limited Liability Partnership

Disadvantages Of Limited Liability Partnership

Features of Limited Liability Partnership

The rights and duties of designated partners are governed by the LLP agreement. They are directly responsible for the compliance of all the provisions of the LLP Act 2008 and provisions specified in the LLP agreement.

If you want to start your business with a Limited Liability Partnership, then you must get it registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

Documents Required for LLP Registration

The documents required to register your LLP are roughly the same as required for most business set-ups. However, there are two sets of documents that will need to be submitted for the LLP registration i.e. documents required of partners and the LLP documents.

Documents of Partners

Documents of LLP

Eligibility Criteria to obtain LLP Registration

Process of Registration as New Limited Liability Partnership

Registering for an LLP is a relatively easy process that can be summed up in simple steps as mentioned below:

  1. Step 1: Getting Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
    The first step towards registering LLP is to acquire the digital signatures of all the designated partners of the LLP. A digital signature is required since the LLP’s documents are filed online. These documents carry digital signatures that further helps in obtaining certificate. Digital signatures required can be obtained from certified government agencies, such as National Informatics Center, IDRBT Certifying Authority, E-MUDHRA, CDAC and NSDL. The cost of acquiring a DSC will be according to the certifying agency that the applicant has applied for.
  2. Step 2: Reserving the Name
    To register a proposed LLP, the applicant needs to get a Limited Liability Partnership-Reserve Unique Name (LLP-RUN) that can be processed at the Central Registration Centre. However, before citing or quoting the name, it is always advisable to check from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal for a free name. This will provide a list of companies with the same or similar names to a proposed LLP. Once the name has been chosen, the registrar will approve the name that is not very similar to any existing LLP. The LLP-RUN will need to be submitted along with a fee that will then proceed for the approval of the registrar.
  3. Step 3: Incorporation of LLP
    Form for incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership (FiLLiP) is required to be filled and submitted with the registrar for incorporation of LLP. Fees has to be paid as per Annexure ‘A’. Application for allotment shall be permitted to be made by 2 individuals only.
  4. Step 4: File Limited Liability Partnership Agreement
    This agreement governs the mutual rights and duties amongst the partners. The agreement can be filed in form 3 online on MCA Portal. From the date of incorporation, Form 3 for LLP agreement has to be filed within 30 days. LLP Agreement has to be printed on Stamp Paper, wherein every state has their different stamp paper.

It takes approximately 15 days to get DSC and Form 3, subject to availability of all the documents.

FAQs on Limited Liability Partnership Registration